What is Low Gluten?

At Mary's we offer Low Gluten options. What is Low gluten you ask? Low gluten means that the product contains less than 200ppm (parts per million) of gluten.

Whilst low gluten doesn't mean gluten-free at Mary Eats Cake our low gluten option does not contain any ingredients with gluten. Why so we call it a Low gluten option if it doesn't contain any gluten? Because we make and prepare all our food in the same kitchen there is risk of cross contamination. Due to this risk we choose to call it a Low gluten option as there is a possibility of traces and there for it is not suitable for all dietary requirements. 

Low gluten products "are not recommended for those on a gluten free diet" by Coeliac Australia

Have a dietary question? Please call us on 03 9728 6435 or email eat@maryeatscake.com.au


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